BCN Woodcrafts

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Make that Old Cutting Board Look Like New

Wooden cutting boards are just beautiful, they bring a warmth and comfortable feeling to a kitchen that plastic will never be able to provide.  

Unfortunately after using a nice wooden cutting board for a bit they just don't look the same.  They dry out, they have cut marks, they have food stains, etc.  

However all is not lost, with just a bit of maintenance and the occasional amount of elbow grease you can keep your cutting board in top shape or make an old one look new again. 

Once you learn some basic techniques you will be out scavenging the thrift and second hand stores for wooden boards, no longer will you toss an old board or pass by a bargain.  You will be ready to get to work.

So lets begin.  On a regular basis you should clean your cutting board with a damp rag.  Don't scrub it, don't use soap, just a nice wipe down.  Do this when needed.  Then take a look at your board.  If it looks dry it is time to moisturize.  By using a conditioner on the board you will help to keep it free of stains, keep it from cracking, and just make it look great.  Now you can go simple and use plain and simple mineral oil.  Nothing wrong with this approach.  My preference however is to use Butcher Block conditioner,, it has some extra items that just go a bit further. 

The trick is in the technique, you really need to saturate the wood with the oil or conditioner, allow it so sit and absorb and then wipe off the excess.  How frequently you do this depends on use, but look at your board and it will tell you when it needs it.  Word of caution, do not use other oils and make sure what you are using is food safe.  They will go rancid and that will not be good.

If your board is a bit further gone worry not.  Follow these simple steps.  First scrub that board, really scrub it.  Once it has dried completely, at least a day go to work with sandpaper, start with 120 in most cases.  Give it a good sanding, with the grain.  Then wipe it down with a damp cloth, follow up with a 220 grit sandpaper.  After that remove the dust with a cheese cloth and then follow the steps above for oiling.  It may take several applications of oil after this to get it good and saturated.

Well you now have a brand new wooden cutting board.  If you have any questions let me know.